Sunday, November 29, 2009
Drama/tear jerker: Kramer vs. Kramer-1979

Workaholic, fast-paced Ted is totally caught off guard when his wife, unhappy and dissatisfied with her life, leaves him and their 6 year old son, only to return a year and a half later to claim him, and petition the courts for full custody.
Grade: B+
Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep give powerful performances, both tear-jerkingly good. The story is good, and one that really makes you think. The little boy is SO believable, and did a wonderful job drawing me into the story. If your in the mood for a good tear-jerker, this might just be a good choice for you!
Romantic (teen) comedy: Nick and Norah's Infinate Playlist-2008

In an attempt to prove that she has a boyfriend, Norah grabs the first guy she sees and kisses him. Little does she know, the guy she kisses is Nick, her "friend's" ex, who still wasn't over her. In this movie, we fallow a group of teens on a night in New York, as they search for their favorite band's secret show.
Grade: C+
This was a cute comedy, and as usual, Michael Cera is funny and cute in his nerdy/shy way. The acting was decent, and the story was as well, it just felt like it was lacking something. If your looking for a cute, teenage love story type of movie, this is worth checking out.
Thriller/Suspense: Misery-1990

Annie Wilkes is Paul Sheldon's number one fan, so naturally, when his car careens off the side of a cliff during a snow storm she happens to be there to rescue him. After holding him captive in her home for days, and nursing his injuries, it becomes painfully clear to Paul that Annie has no plans of letting him go.
Grade: A
This movie had me on the edge of my seat, or open-mouth-gaping a number of times. The acting was awesome, Kathy Bates convinced me! This was just a creepy movie, and, as is usual for Stephen King, was an awesome story! If you're interested in being a bit creeped out, and in the mood for a suspense, this is definitely one to watch!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Romantic Comedy: Baby on Board-2008

Angela and Curtis have a seemingly solid marriage, until a series of misunderstandings, and a surprise pregnancy almost ruins the couple completely.
Grade: C-
The movie was pretty cute, and the acting was great, but the story left something to be desired, for me at least. It was actually kind of frustrating, and the entire time I just wanted to yell at the characters to stop pussy-footing around the issues and say what needed to be said! Considering that the entire story is set on misunderstandings, and the fact that NEITHER couple could come out and ask the other what was going on, it kind of made me feel like there was no point to the movie. If you want to watch a fairly cute romantic comedy, and are prepared to be slightly frustrated throughout the entire movie, then this is the one for you!
heather Grahm,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Comedy: Bongwater- 1997

Luke Wilson stars as David, a pot-smoking artist who's desperately in love with sensual Serena. Sadly, the two have a misunderstanding and -- just as David's house burns to the ground -- Serena dumps him in favor of junkie Tommy (Jamie Kennedy). David's motley crew of weed-breathing buddies will have to suffice as the stoned artist figures out how to forget his ladylove and his scorched home, while Serena attempts to find herself in New York. (Netflix.com)
Grade: C-
First of all I would like to call "shenanigans"!! There was a total misrepresentation, leading me to believe that this was going to be some kind of stoner movie. Surprisingly, this movie was full of recognisable celebrities, who, as far as the acting, where pretty good in this movie. The story line however,.... Not so great. Sure, it had it's moments; funny at times, touching at times, horrifying at times. There was nothing about these characters that made me like them, or remotely care about what happened to them. Did I hate it? I wouldn't go that far, but would I watch it again, no. And that's what I have to say about that...
Action/Thriller: Domino- 2005

Born from actor parents and after a life spent pursuing a modeling career, Domino Harvey decides to become a bounty hunter. Little does she know how her decision will play out in some pretty unexpected and shady ways.
Grade: B
This movie was definitely an entertaining watch, with plenty of interesting twists and turns. I personally enjoy watching movies where the woman is a total bad ass, and Keira Knightley played the part wonderfully. In fact the entire cast, including 90210 co-stars Ian Ziering and Brian Austin Green playing themselves. The story was easy to get into, and definitely a fun watch.
bad ass,
girl power,
Keira Knightly,
Monday, November 16, 2009
Romantic Comedy: Gigantic 2008

This is a look into the life of a single mattress salesman who is pursuing his lifelong dream of adopting a Chinese baby. In the process he falls in love with the daughter of one of his customers.
Grade: B
This was an interesting look into a brief period of time in this guys life. The acting was great, and the story was interesting and entertaining. Brian, played by Paul Dano, gives a great performance as a man who seems to be going through life with nothing really outstanding going on. This was one of those stories that didn't necessarily have a point, (not one that I got, at least) but was more about watching this specific time in this person's life. If you're interested in quirky romantic comedies, this is the one for you.
Romantic Comedy: Benny and Joon 1993

Benny has taken over the role of caregiver for his adult sister who is mentally ill. Things are seemingly fine until Sam comes into the picture and turns everything upside down.
Grade: A
This is an incredibly cute movie, that is funny and heart warming all at the same time. The acting is great, and as usual Johny Depp is a hottie. This movie gives you insight into the types of decisions people have to make when a close family member has a mental illness. It was a good story, well acted, and a fun watch.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Romantic Comedy: Penelope- 2006

Locked away in her home by her parents, because of a curse, Penelope searches for her true love, the only way to break it. Through her search she gains so much more than a broken curse, in this fairy tale story.
Grade: A-
This was an incredibly cute story, that pretty much fallows the fairy tale guide lines. This was not only funny, and heart warming, but also a journey into a young woman's self discovery. Christina Ricci plays this part beautifully, and the entire cast does a wonderful performance as well. If you're the type of person that can let your imagination run, and get into a fairy tale story, this is the one for you. It is certainly worth watching.
Drama: Autumn Hearts: A New Begining-2007

This is a moving story of three former internment camp prisoners reuniting more than 30 years after being let go.
Grade: B+
This story is not only touching, and emotional, it is also well written, and heart warming. The acting was wonderful, and the story line was thought provoking. Susan Sarandon, as well as the rest of the cast's, performances were great. The ending left something to be desired, but not enough to detract from the movie. This was a very attentive look into the effects that this horrific time had on these people. If your looking for a movie that will make you think, this is the one for you.
Drama/Romance: Then She Found Me-2007

This story fallows April, played by Helen Hunt, through one of the most turbulent times of her life. At 39, she is desperate to have a child, when her husband decides he wants a divorce. In the same week her adopted mother dies, and her birth mother contacts her. As if that wasn't enough, she meets and begins a romantic relationship with, one of her student's father.
Grade: A-
Helen Hunt gives a magnificent performance in this touching story about a middle aged woman in crisis. She is truly heartfelt in this role and makes it incredibly easy to not only get into the story, but empathize completely with her. Bette Midler gives a fantastic performance as usual. This is definitely worth watching. If you want to see a movie that pulls at your heart strings, and is a bit of a tearjerker, this is the one for you.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Comedy: Sgt. Bilko 1996

In this movie, fun loving gamblaholic Sgt. Bilko and his troop are visited by his nemisis, bent on revenge, years after Bilko inadvertently had him shipped to Greenland. Considering that Bilko's troop totally lacks organization, and spends most of their time gambling and drinking, it doesn't make it hard for him to find problems.
Grade: B-
This was a surprisingly funny look into the life of a completely apathetic troop in the midst of being caught. This movie certainly fallowed the 80's comedy movie format, and was pretty entertaining. As usual, Steve Martin gave a great performance, and it was nice to see Phil Hartman again. If you're interested in watching a light hearted '80's comedy, this is a good choice.
Documentary: American Movie 1999

This is a movie chronicling the life of Mark Borchardt, during the making of his first feature film, "Coven". This is an intimate look into the life of a man persuing his dream, and the friends and family that help to make it a reality.
Grade: A
This was an interesting, yet sometimes slow moving, look into Mark's life. Although the topic of the documentary is the making of "Coven", we delve deeper into his personal life, and the troubles, and sacrafices he faces in order to complete his movie. This was pretty good, it was entertaining, and kept me interested.
Thriller: Population 436- 2006

How can a town in the middle of nowhere manage to keep their population exactly 436, for more than 60 years? The answer is, not without a bit of effort on the part of both the sheriff department, and the towns people themselves. In this story, a census taker is sent to figure it out, and in the meantime is forced into bizarre situations with dire consequences.
Grade: C
This was a pretty entertaining movie, and the description definitely made me wonder, how could it happen? Fred Durst is a co-star of the movie, and played the part surprisingly well, he certainly exceeded my expectations. All in all it was pretty enjoyable. The acting was decent, and the story was pretty good.
Grade: C
This was a pretty entertaining movie, and the description definitely made me wonder, how could it happen? Fred Durst is a co-star of the movie, and played the part surprisingly well, he certainly exceeded my expectations. All in all it was pretty enjoyable. The acting was decent, and the story was pretty good.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Romantic Comedy/Drama: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 2004

This is a story about a man who learns that his girlfriend, after a fight with him, undergoes a procedure to erase his memory. After a failed attempt at an apology, and learning that she is dating another guy, because she doesn't remember him, he decides to undergo the procedure as well, only after it has already begun he decides that he no longer want to go through with it.
Grade: B+
This is an awesome movie, that takes you on a strange adventure through Joel's (Jim Carey) mind. Both parts are played incredibly well, and the ending is definitely one you look forward to. This is a hard one to describe, but it's a really great movie. If you are interested in stepping out of the box, and watching a movie that doesn't necessarily fallow the typical structure, this is the one for you!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Horror/Drama: Interview with the Vampire 1994

This is an AWESOME movie that chronicles the life of Louis, his creator Lestat, and their "adopted" daughter Claudia through the 18th century to the present day.
Grade: A+
This up close and personal look into the lives of these three characters throughout history is both intriguing and mesmerising. The acting is phenomenal, and the writing equally fantastic. Not to mention that it is cast with three of the most gorgeous men of the time. If you like vampires, and want to see what life is like from their prospective this is the movie for you! The DEFINITELY made being a vampire incredibly sexy!
Drama: Seven Pounds 2008

This is a movie about a man who, after the sudden accidental death of his wife, decides that it is his duty to help as many people as he can, before he commits suicide. In the process he begins a romantic relationship with one of the people he has decided to help.
Grade: B-
This was a somewhat confusing movie to fallow, with a lot of flash back scenes and slightly vague dialogue, in order to achieve the completely predictable "unexpected" ending. As usual, Will Smith gives a wonderful performance, and so does Rosario Dawson. The acting is definitely good enough to allow overlooking the muddied story line. I thought it was pretty good, and had some very "tear jerker" moments. If you're in the mood to watch something that leaves you feeling slightly depressed, this is the movie for you.
Drama: The Virgin Suicides 1999

Grade: B-
This was a pretty slow moving film, but interesting enough to WANT to fallow it. This was a pretty depressing look into these girls lives, and the end result is pretty horrifying. If you're interested in watching a movie that will not make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, but will make you think a little bit, this is the one for you.
Horror: The Omen 1976

Grade: C+
We've all heard of Damien, if anything, that name has become a pop culture reference, so I decided to watch it. Perhaps I have been spoiled by the movies of today, the thrillers, the suspense, horror and slasher, and maybe in the 70's when this came out it was super scary, but today,... for me,... not so much. It had it's parts. I mean, when the nanny gets every one's attention at the party, the hangs herself, pretty good, and when photographer guy's head gets cut clean off by a sheet of glass, not bad either. It DID keep me interested, but in all honesty,.. by the end I was kinda dosing off.
Drama/Romance: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 2008

In this story, Benjamin Button (played by Brad Pitt) is born with a peculiar condition... He is essentially an elderly person, he has the looks and health of someone in their nineties! After his mother dies during child birth, his father contemplates throwing him into a river, but settles on abandoning him on the steps of an old folks home. Luckily for Benjamin he is accepted by the people living there, and from an outsiders point of view blends in seamlessly. This movie fallows the story of his fascinating life.
Grade: A+
This was a WONDERFUL movie! And I'm not just saying that because Brad Pitt was the lead character! :) It was interesting, entertaining, heart felt, and splendidly acted. The idea alone is an awesome concept. It was a touching life story, of a man who was curiously inspiring. I would recommend this to ANYONE, and would watch it again, no problem.
Grade: A+
This was a WONDERFUL movie! And I'm not just saying that because Brad Pitt was the lead character! :) It was interesting, entertaining, heart felt, and splendidly acted. The idea alone is an awesome concept. It was a touching life story, of a man who was curiously inspiring. I would recommend this to ANYONE, and would watch it again, no problem.
Dark Comedy: Sunshine Cleaning 2008

Got a disturbingly gruesome murder scene that needs to be cleaned up? Well Sunshine Cleaning is the place to call. Due to her financial troubles, and her son's suspected (by school staff) special needs, Rose creates a highly specialized business, with the help of her sister Norah.
Grade: B+
This was a fascinating look into the life of a single mother, living her life the best she can, and trying to make a way for her and her son. The acting was great, and the unexpected situations the characters find themselves in leads to some pretty amusing scenes. If you're in the mood for something funny, but definitely on the dark side, this is the movie for you!
Romantic Comedy/Gay and Lesbian: Adam and Steve 2005

Grade: C+
This movie has a lot of man-on-man kissing, so if you're into that, this is awesome, and if you're not, this is not for you! :) Parker Posey plays Adam's (Craig Chester) formerly fat, monotone BFF, with a bitchy disposition. Chris Kattan plays Steve's (Malcolm Gets) heterosexual "frat boyish" roommate, who happens to support Steve's promiscuity. This is a genuine love story, that was relatively well acted, with a funny story line. Adam and Steve's 80's introduction in the beginning is HILARIOUS, and their family scenes were really funny too.
Comedy: Saving Grace 2000

Grade: B+
This is a cute comedy about something you probably wouldn't expect,... marijuana! Brenda Blethyn gives a wonderful performance, and Craig Ferguson was funny as always. This is a heart warming comedy adventure. Slightly chick flicky, it was definitely a good movie. If you're interested in watching a feel good comedy about pot, for a more mature audience (and no that's not meant to be sexual, mature as in old,...) this is the one for you!
Comedy: The Brothers Solomon 2007

Grade: C+
This was a slap-sticky comedy, that had it's "laugh out loud" moments. The story was pretty cute, and I definitely enjoyed the SNL reunion! Lots of funny people in this movie, and, they were being funny. I also happen to be a fan of Will Arnett, so I think I would have liked it anyway, he's always funny! If your looking for a funny, light hearted comedy, this is a good choice!
Documentary: Nerdcore Rising 2008

Grade: A
I think this might be my first documentary review, and I'd like to say that they all will receive an 'A', I mean, how can I judge someones life? I can't. Anywho, this was interesting. If you've ever heard of MC Chris (MC PeePants on Aqua Teen Hunger Force) you'd kinda get the idea. This genre of music is typically sung in a hip-hop/dance style, by a nerdy white guy, singing about things like Star Wars, video games, D&D, and other "nerd culture" stuff. Personally I enjoy Nerdcore, and thought the movie was funny, and an interesting look into their lives.
Mockumentary/Comedy: American Zombie 2007

Grade: B+
This movie really did make me laugh, and they were really able to pull it off. I love a believable mockumentary. I honestly think that it's the actors who are able to make everyday interactions, and mundane tasks and make me believe that those things are just a part of their life are the best. It's BELIEVABLE acting, and it doesn't seem like they're acting. That was just my little rant. If you like mockumentaries, and you like zombie movies, like I do, you'll probably enjoy this one!
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